Highland Calves
We have a small fold of highland cattle, they are exceptionally calm and well suited to the Tasmanian climate and landscape.
Join our waitlist, if you are considering adding a Highland to your herd.
Please note, all cattle are transferred using NILS (National Livestock Identification System), your PIC (Property Identification Code) will be required. At this stage, cattle will only be sold within Tasmania.
You are welcome to view the calves prior to purchase.
Cattle are herd animals, and while extremely cute and fun, they need companionship, and proper livestock handling equipment. Single calves sales will only be considered if other livestock is on the property.
We also have some Highlands X available, they tend to be incredibly fluffy but show the mother’s colouring.
Highland calves are slower growing, so are smaller than more common beef varieties breed for rapid development at the same age.
all calves are named randomly by our 4 year old daughter, you are absolutely welcome to change their names
Highland Calves
Bear - Golden Heifer born 2022
#10 - Black Steer born 2022
Cutie Pie - Dun Steer born 2023
Beary - Golden Steer born 2022
Highland X Calves
Fluffy - Golden Heifer born 2024 (3/4 Highland, 1/4 Hereford)
Whitie - Black and white Steer born 2023 (3/4 Highland, 1/4 Hereford)
Muwa - Black and white Steer (Highland x Belted Galloway) born 2023